Types of Space Heaters

5 Different Types of Space Heaters: Which Should You Choose?

Buying a space heater is more than just knowing how much heat you need. One critically important factor is how that heat is delivered to your space.
In this article, I’ll go over 5 different types of space heaters and their pros and cons. I’ll also explain how they work, so you can determine what is best for your space.

Furnace Filter Sizes What Size Air Filter Do You Need

Furnace Filter Sizes: What Size Air Filter Do You Need?

Choosing the right furnace filter size for your home is very important. It will help maintain your furnace’s efficiency and keep your home’s air clean.
In this article, I’ll go over how to find out what size furnace filter you need. I’ll also give you a few tips and tricks when it comes to changing your furnace’s air filter.

How to clean a humidifier

How to Clean Your Humidifier – 3 Different Ways

Have you noticed that your humidifier just isn’t performing as well as it used to? In this article, I’ll explain three different ways to clean your humidifier. I’ll also provide helpful tips for humidifier maintenance, so your humidifier is always clean and in top shape.

Furnace Exhaust Vent Blocked

Furnace Exhaust Vent Blocked? Here’s What to Do

In this article, I’ll go over what you should do if your furnace’s exhaust vent is blocked. I’ll also cover what happens if your exhaust vent is blocked, and what symptoms your furnace will exhibit with a blocked exhaust vent.

How to Use Duct Seal in Your Home

How to Use Duct Seal in Your Home

Did you know that leaky ducts in your home can reduce heating and cooling efficiency by as much as 20%?
In this article, we’ll go over how to seal the ducts in your home. We’ll also compare aluminum tape versus mastic– and what situations to use them in.

Cut to Fit Air Filters

Cut to Fit Air Filters: Everything You Need to Know

If you have a custom-shaped vent, then you don’t need to buy a custom-shaped filter just to keep your home’s air clean.
In this article, I’ll discuss how cut-to-fit air filters will benefit your home, when you should use them, and how easy it is to install them.

How to Clean Your Dehumidifier

How to Clean Your Dehumidifier

In this article, I’ll take a look at the different parts of a dehumidifier and provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean them. I’ll also discuss what to do (and what not to do) when cleaning your dehumidifier.

What type of water do you use in a humidifier?

What Type of Water Do You Use in a Humidifier?

Using a humidifier incorrectly can cause increased maintenance costs. It can even reduce the air quality inside your home. To use your humidifier correctly, the first thing you’ll need to know is what type of water to use in your humidifier.

How to Vent a Portable AC

How to Vent Your Portable Air Conditioner

In this article, we’ll take a look at a few different methods of venting your portable air conditioner. I’ll also go over the reasons why you need to vent your portable air conditioner.

Electrostatic Air Filters: Everything You Need to Know

Electrostatic Air Filters: Everything You Need to Know

Electrostatic air filters are air filters that filter out particles by means of static electricity. In this article, I’ll discuss what electrostatic air filters are, how they work, and in what situation you should use them in your home’s AC or heating system.

MPR Filter Ratings: Which One Should You Use?

MPR Filter Ratings: Which One Should You Use?

Shopping for air filters doesn’t need to be hard. Unfortunately, it is a little more complicated than it should be. With different filter ratings invented by various institutions, it can be difficult to decipher exactly which air filter rating you should use.
In this article, I’ll discuss the MPR rating scale and help you figure out what MPR filter rating you should use in your home’s HVAC system.

Furnace maintenance checklist

Furnace Maintenance Checklist – 8 Easy Steps

Preventive maintenance is important to keep your home’s heating system running correctly and efficiently. If you are a homeowner, it is important to be familiar with your furnace so you can catch problems before they happen.

AC maintenance checklist

AC Maintenance Checklist – 7 Easy Steps

Preventive maintenance is important to keep your home’s air conditioning system running correctly and efficiently. If you are a homeowner, it is important to be familiar with your AC system so you can catch problems before they happen.

Central Plant with Chillers and Pipes

How a Chilled Water System Works

Chilled water systems provide cooling to a building by using chilled water to absorb heat from the building’s spaces. At the heart of the chilled water system, a chiller removes heat from water by means of a refrigeration cycle.