Window AC Keeps Tripping Circuit Breaker

Window AC Keeps Tripping Circuit Breaker? Here Are the Causes

Click! Did your circuit breaker trip when your window AC turned on? Or maybe your window AC ran for a while, but the circuit breaker eventually tripped while your AC was running. In this article, I’ll go over all the causes of a tripping window AC circuit breaker. I’ll also explain how to fix a window AC that’s tripping its circuit breaker – no matter what the cause is.

Can You Leave a Window Air Conditioner on 24/7?

Can You Leave a Window Air Conditioner on 24/7?

In this article, I’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of running your window AC continuously. I’ll also provide some tips and tricks to keep your window AC running efficiently. You’ll be able to keep your energy bills low, and prolong the life of your AC!

How to Clean a Window AC Without Removing it

How to Clean a Window AC Without Removing it

In this article, I’ll go over the steps and tools required to clean your window AC without removing it from your window. I’ll also go over the reasons why you should clean your window AC, and some tips and tricks to keep your window AC running in top shape.

Should a Window Air Conditioner Be Tilted

Should a Window Air Conditioner Be Tilted?

In this article, I’ll go over everything you need to know about tilting a window air conditioner. I’ll also cover how much you need to tilt your window AC, and what you should do if your window AC is not dripping water.

Window AC leaking water Here's What to Do

Window AC Leaking Water? Here’s What to Do

In this article, I’ll go over what you need to do if your window air conditioner is leaking water. I’ll also provide step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot a leaky air conditioner for any situation.

Window AC frozen

Window AC Frozen? Here’s What to Do

In this article, I’ll let you know what you should do when your window AC is frozen. I’ll also go over what you should check, and what kind of settings you should use on your window AC to help keep it from freezing.